Author: Charles Chen

Why Cursive Should be Taught in the Age of STEM

Why Cursive Should be Taught in the Age of STEM

It’s a topic that comes up from time to time in various channels on the topic of education and modern curricula.  NPR just had an article today on it and how Alabama passed a law requiring it to be taught. ...

Pau Gasol on Kobe Bryant

Pau Gasol on Kobe Bryant

SI has an excellent “farewell” from Pau Gasol to Kobe Bryant. One of the key takeaways, for me: He was challenging me because he expected more from me. When somebody cares about you, that’s when they challenge you. When they...

A Recipe for Execution in Crunch Time

A Recipe for Execution in Crunch Time

For many small software teams with loose (or non-existent) project management, “crunch time” usually leads to the unraveling of the project to some degree and inevitable crisis management. In most of these cases, crunch time is the result of: Poor...

Adventures in Single-Sign-On: Cross Domain Script Request

Consider a scenario where a user authenticates with ADFS (or equivalent identity provider (IdP)) when accessing a domain such as (A) and then, from this page, a request is made to (B) to download a set of application...

Adding Support for Azure AD Login (O365) to MVC Apps

I spent the day toying around with ASP.NET MVC 5 web applications and authentication.  I won’t cover the step-by-step as there are plenty of blogs that have it covered. It seems that online, most examples and tutorials show you either...