Author: Charles Chen

On Culture, Trust, and Effective Teams

Over the weekend, I listened to a TED Radio Hour podcast titled The Meaning of Work.  The whole thing is worth a listen, but there was something in the first segment by Margaret Heffernan which really caught my attention: Social...

Two Lessons From Jerry Brown

Two Lessons From Jerry Brown

The California Sunday magazine has a great writeup on the tenure of Jerry Brown. It’s a great read.  There were two points that struck me in particular as with regards to managing projects and getting stuff done. The first is:...

Thoughts on LinkedIn Recruiter

We just wrapped up our first hire through LinkedIn Recruiter. Prior to this, every engineering resource at InnovoCommerce has been sourced through Stack Talent (formerly Stack Careers) directly or indirectly. We had great success with Stack and I hired two...

Working with Box OpenAPI Clients

In May of this year, Box announced an OpenAPI specification for their API endpoints.  The specification is available on their Github site, but in implementing it, I found few practical examples and no examples for C#/.NET. To start with, you...

Calculating Date Differentials In Neo4j

(Or calculating date differentials in any environment where you don’t have a date object) For all the awesomeness of graph databases and Neo4j, the lack of a native date object seems a glaring omission and makes it difficult to calculate...

.NET Core MVC on Azure Container and Registry Service

I’ve recently been playing around with .NET Core MVC and trying to get it running on Azure Container Service (ACS). Why .NET Core?  Because you’ll be able to run those containers on Linux environments, which will generally be lower cost....

The Science of Organic Milk

The Science of Organic Milk

If you’re like me, you’ve noticed that organic milk tends to have a longer shelf life and tastes better so I tend to spend the extra money because aside from our 1 year-old, the family drinks milk erratically and I...