Category: WCF

Invoking Custom WCF Services in SharePoint with Claims

Invoking Custom WCF Services in SharePoint with Claims

In SharePoint, if you host a custom WCF service in a claims-enabled application, the authentication via NTLM is actually quite tricky if you are attempting to invoke it from a console application, for example. There are various articles and Stackoverflow...

SharePoint 2010 Service Applications Thoughts

SharePoint 2010 Service Applications Thoughts

I can’t say that I can add much more to the tutorials and articles already out there on the Net on this topic, but I’d like to point to the definitive example of how to implement one: David Taylor’s blog...

WCF Data Services Cheat Sheet

WCF Data Services Cheat Sheet

I was working with some SharePoint REST queries and couldn’t find a good list of the operations supported by the REST API.  Namely, I was trying to figure out if it supported a “contains” operation (it does using indexof). I...

Best Search Hit?

Might be one of the best ones in the four years that I’ve had this blog.  I feel your pain dude, but I don’t know the answer…sorry bro.

WCF Load Balancing : An End To End Example For NetTcpBinding

Recently, I worked on prototyping WCF load balancing for our product, FirstPoint. I built a simple example to test the configuration and behavior of load balancing. Since there aren’t many end-to-end examples of WCF load balancing on the web, I’m...

WCF Win32Exception / AuthenticationException

WCF Win32Exception / AuthenticationException

I recently came across a weird error with a parnter that we’re working with. He was getting SSPI errors at the the client side. I had seen these previously, but only when configuring SharePoint and our product (FirstPoint) for Kerberos....

Fatal Execution Engine Failure(0x7927e03e) and WCF

Fatal Execution Engine Failure(0x7927e03e) and WCF

An interesting issue cropped up during development this week.  It centered around a mysterious error that was happening in our web applications and causing IIS to crash…hard.  Peeking in the event log, I found the following error:

It was...

Deleting ExtensionData From JavaScript

Deleting ExtensionData From JavaScript

WCF DataContracts include an ExtensionData property which is a bit troublesome if you are trying to send a modified object back up to the service if it has no properties in Javascript. So I wrote a little piece of Javascript...

IE7, AJAX, And 400 “Bad Request”

IE7, AJAX, And 400 “Bad Request”

I spent bout two hours today tring to figure out why I kept getting a weird error while using prototype to call a WCF service. There are various other resources on the web regarding how WCF has a few quirks...

WCF, Prototype, And Awesome-sauce

WCF, Prototype, And Awesome-sauce

One of the most awesome features of WCF in .NET 3.5 is support for REST-style AJAX requests to the services. Rick Strahl has an excellent post on how to get it up and running with jQuery. Just some notes on...