Category: SharePoint

SharePoint And Kerberos

SharePoint And Kerberos

In short: don’t do it to yourself! Okay, so that’s not a realistic solution.  But you know what?  It is a pain in the butt.  Terrible.  Teeeeeeerrible.  I’ve spent the last two days battling Kerberos, Active Directory, and NLB trying...

Getting SharePoint Task Assignee

Getting SharePoint Task Assignee

One of the more interesting problems I’ve been working with is trying to figure out how to get the user information for the assignee (whom the task is assigned to). Getting the user ID and the the user display name...

IE7, AJAX, And 400 “Bad Request”

IE7, AJAX, And 400 “Bad Request”

I spent bout two hours today tring to figure out why I kept getting a weird error while using prototype to call a WCF service. There are various other resources on the web regarding how WCF has a few quirks...

Synchronizing SharePoint Files And Development Files

I’ve previously posted on how to move compiled binaries into a remote GAC automatically from your development environment to your SharePoint environment using SysInternal’s PsExec utility. But what about moving content files from your SharePoint environment to your development environment? ...

log4net With SharePoint Layout Page Applications

log4net With SharePoint Layout Page Applications

Using log4net with SharePoint layout page applications is really no different from using it with other types of web applications with the exception that there really isn’t a convenient way to initialize the logging configuration from your custom binaries. The...

SharePoint “Unknown Error” Quirk

SharePoint “Unknown Error” Quirk

Anyone who’s done any bit of SharePoint development is probably familiar with the completely useless “Unknown Error” view.  Well, in fact, SharePoint actually knows what the error is, it just doesn’t want to tell you (okay, it’s really just disabled...

SharePoint As A Development Platform

SharePoint As A Development Platform

I got an email today regarding a blog post by Jeffrey Palermo on the shortcomings of SharePoint as a development platform. Now I have to say, SharePoint is not without fault (particularly in the area of feature packaging and deployment),...

WSS And DateTime Error

WSS And DateTime Error

In working with the SharePoint web services, I’ve noticed consistent errors with a few of the services which tend to return the following string: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime I hadn’t been able to figure out what...