Category: SharePoint

Paging With SPListItemCollectionPosition

Paging With SPListItemCollectionPosition

Update: see this post for how to use paging to improve retrieval of large data sets. Let it be known that Microsoft’s terrible design of list paging is inexecusable and to make matters worse, the documentation is practically non-existent. You...

Simple (?) AJAX Upload For ASP.NET

As I was working on an AJAX upload web part for SharePoint, I looked around to see if there was anything out there that would be suitable before I rolled my own after discovering that the ASP.NET UpdatePanel doesn’t play...

SharePoint 2010 Content Type Publishing Setup

One of the cool features of SharePoint 2010 is the simplification of content type management/synchronization. In SharePoint 2007, site collections formed a metadata boundary meaning that content types defined in one site collection could not be used in another site...

SharePoint Design Patterns: Entry 2.5

SharePoint Design Patterns: Entry 2.5

In the previous entry, we looked at how we can model a SharePoint list item using a more domain specific model to simplify programmatic access to the list item thus reducing otherwise error prone data access code and making the...

Removing a Dead SharePoint Web Part

Removing a Dead SharePoint Web Part

If you’ve deleted the DLL or if you reinstalled a DLL which no longer contains the codebehind class for a user control in a web part, you could end up in a scenario where you have a “dead” web part...

SharePoint Design Patterns: Entry 2

SharePoint Design Patterns: Entry 2

In the previous entry, we explored how to clean up our interaction with instances of SPSite, SPWeb, and SPList objects. Logically, the next scenario that we’d want to cover is working with the SPListItem that we get back from the...

Design Patterns For SharePoint : Entry 1

Design Patterns For SharePoint : Entry 1

One thing that I’ve discovered is that it’s easy to write sloppy, hard to read code when SharePoint is involved. A lot of it may be due to the quick-and-dirty code samples out on the ‘Net and a general lack...