Category: Dev

IE7, AJAX, And 400 “Bad Request”

IE7, AJAX, And 400 “Bad Request”

I spent bout two hours today tring to figure out why I kept getting a weird error while using prototype to call a WCF service. There are various other resources on the web regarding how WCF has a few quirks...

Synchronizing SharePoint Files And Development Files

I’ve previously posted on how to move compiled binaries into a remote GAC automatically from your development environment to your SharePoint environment using SysInternal’s PsExec utility. But what about moving content files from your SharePoint environment to your development environment? ...

Awesome News For Web UI Developers

Awesome News For Web UI Developers

Google’s new AJAX Libraries API should help quite a bit with developing web UIs.  From Dion Almer: I just got to announce the Google AJAX Libraries API which exists to make Ajax applications that use popular frameworks such as Prototype,...

Digging Into REST

Digging Into REST

I’ve been on a REST kick for a while now.  It’s been brewing in the back of my head since an interview I did a few months back. Pete Lacey gives an in depth interview on the topics of REST...

MbUnit And TestDriven.NET On x64

MbUnit And TestDriven.NET On x64

I came across an interesting issue while trying to run some MbUnit RowTests this morning. Namely, it seemed that the rows being passed in contained all null values.  It left me scratching my head.  I ran the tests using MbUnit...

Automating Remote GAC Installs On Build

Automating Remote GAC Installs On Build

When working with SharePoint, you’ll find yourself working with the GAC quite often during development. If you’ve seen the light and you’re working with SharePoint on a VM, one tricky problem is how to update the GAC using a post-build...

Disabling Office 2003 Browser Inline Behavior

There’s a unique problem in an Office 2003 environment that may be encountered by add-in developers.  Namely, by default, Office 2003 documents, when opened from a URL (for example, clicking on a link in an email or typing a URL...

Random Rant

Random Rant

One of the most awesome pieces of software that I’ve come across in my career as a consultant and software engineer is Trac.  Among the various awesome features of Trac include: An awesome plug-in system and library for all sorts...

Serializing Inheritance Chains With WCF

Serializing Inheritance Chains With WCF

During a recent code review, I noticed that a colleague was sending me service entities from his WCF service with flags for the data type.  This itself wasn’t so bothersome to me, but what did bother me was that the...

Less Painful Windows Service Development

Less Painful Windows Service Development

When developing Windows services applications, one of the most painful aspects is testing. Sure, you can test individual component libraries separately with unit tests, but what about deploying and testing the system in an actual runtime environment?  What if your components...