Author: Charles Chen

Innovation Is More Than Technology

From the outside looking in, it is easy to think that innovation is about the technology. One important lesson I’ve learned over the last decade is that more often than not, innovation is about business and process models which enable...

Principles of Speed

I came across an article on McDonald’s plans to make their drive-thrus faster: McDonald’s has already made improvement in its drive-thrus. Over the past few years, it’s sped up the drive-thru line by about 30 seconds, thanks in part to...

Azure Functions with ComsosDB and GraphQL

If you’re looking to try out GraphQL with Azure Functions and CosmosDB, look no further.  I wanted to take the time to put together a fully functioning sandbox project which you can download and tinker with as there are a...

Automated UI Testing with Taiko

Previously, I’ve explored automated UI testing with LeapWork, which is a super powerful tool that can empower non-technical QA team members to automate complex scenarios. Today, I’m evaluating another tool called Taiko which is, in some ways, even more productive...

Azure Functions with JWT Authentication

If you’re building Azure Functions, you generally have two options when it comes to implementing authentication and authorization: Use the App Service Authentication integration which is great if you are using one of the standard identity providers (Azure AD, Microsoft...