<CharlieDigital/> Blog

Even More Conservatives Bail…

Even More Conservatives Bail…

Seems like a pattern now. Matthew Dowd, the chief strategist for W’s reelection, says: “They didn’t allow John McCain to pick the person he wanted for Vice President,” Dowd said, referring to Sen. Joe Lieberman, which undercut his experience argument...

More Conservatives Jump Ship

More Conservatives Jump Ship

Conservatives seems to be splitting into two groups over this election: intellectual conservatives and cultural conservatives (well, there’s a group of plain old dumbasses like Hannity). As the Huffington Post reported, RedState co-founder Joshua Trevino couldn’t bring himself to vote...

A Sinking Ship

A Sinking Ship

Christopher Buckley straps on his lifevest: Sorry, Dad, I’m Voting for Obama Let me be the latest conservative/libertarian/whatever to leap onto the Barack Obama bandwagon. It’s a good thing my dear old mum and pup are no longer alive. They’d...

Getting SharePoint Task Assignee

Getting SharePoint Task Assignee

One of the more interesting problems I’ve been working with is trying to figure out how to get the user information for the assignee (whom the task is assigned to). Getting the user ID and the the user display name...

The Unexpected

The Unexpected

As usual, the NRA endorsed a Republican candidate.  But in an unexpected move that no one saw coming, the American Hunters & Shooters Association has endorsed Barack Obama. Senator Obama has clearly demonstrated his commitment to the 2nd Amendment. His...



That’s tomorrow!  It shall be epic. The Unofficial List of Evidence That Sarah Palin is the Worst VP Pick EverShe can’t name any supreme court cases aside from Roe v. WadeShe reads every newspaper, but can’t name any of themWould...

Why McCain Wanted To Cancel The First Debate…

Why McCain Wanted To Cancel The First Debate…

It’s becoming increasingly clear that John McCain’s camp has been gaming to move the first presidential debate (today) to next Thursday, replacing the original vice presidential debate and moving that one to an undertermined date and time. Why?  Kathleen Parker...

You Tell ‘Em!

You Tell ‘Em!

Two great videos of Representative Marcy Kaptur from Ohio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S27yitK32ds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbD62gNi9WE And a great line by Ted Poe from Texas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjhMc5B1my0

Let’s Talk Politics

Let’s Talk Politics

On The Topic Of Politics. It’s a touchy subject, I know, but I’ve been engrossed in it for the last three weeks now.  I can clearly see that this is a pivotal moment in the history of our country. Let...

Delicious Irony

Delicious Irony

Storm could swamp GOP convention Planners of the Republican National Convention in St. Paul held emergency conversations Wednesday about what to do if a tropical storm continues on its track as a potential Category 3 hurricane threatening New Orleans. Gustav’s...