Category: Random Thoughts

Airline Boarding and How to Make It Suck Less

Airline Boarding and How to Make It Suck Less

Caught an unexpected segment in the news on airline boarding (ending is great): I’ve mostly had (terrible) experiences with boarding Continental flights and I’ve often thought why the process is so screwed up.  I’ve come up with the following conclusions...

Confessions of a Sriracha Fanatic

Confessions of a Sriracha Fanatic

Count me in 🙂 The smidgens and dabs became double-fisted squeezes and dripping spoonfuls. The table was not fully set until the squeeze bottle was centrally placed between the salt and pepper shakers. I carried breath mints in my bag...

Why the USPS SHOULD Lose Money

Why the USPS SHOULD Lose Money

The whole fracas over the USPS losing money has been overwhelming lately with the predictable arguments from the Right citing it as another example of Government Failure and a system that is better served by fully private corporations — not...

Alan Simpson on “Western Conservatism”

Alan Simpson on “Western Conservatism”

In the Michelle-Bachmann-I’ll-eat-your-brains-stare issue of Newsweek (8/15), there’s a great interview with Alan Simpson, a former Republican Senator from Wyoming: You and Cheney represent an old tradition of Western conservatism.  What happened to those views? I say clearly, abortion is...

TFS – Does It Suck?

TFS – Does It Suck?

I’m not sure, but I don’t want to find out either. I’m currently tasked with recommending a new source control platform and a new defect tracking platform as well. I’m late to this post from March 2010, but Martin Fowler...

Straight Talk from Fareed Zakaria

Straight Talk from Fareed Zakaria

An excellent interview from NPR with Fareed Zakaria. Straight talk about the problems that the US is facing and the straightforward solutions that are being defeated by politics and ideology instead of pragmatism. No better way to spend 45 minutes...

Can I Hadoop My Way Out of This?

Quite possibly one of the funniest slides I’ve ever seen: It’s from a slidedeck on real-time analytics and MongoDB. I guess one cannot simply Hadoop their way out of that type of mess.

Lev Grossman on The Cloud

Lev Grossman on The Cloud

Lev Grossman has an article in Time this week (not available on that pretty much hits it on the mark — at least in my book — with regards to The Cloud.  I look kind of befuddled when people...

Where Pakistan Went Wrong

Where Pakistan Went Wrong

Okay, so there’s lots of things wrong with Pakistan these days, but there was an interesting bit in an editorial in Newsweek by A.Q. Khan — Pakistan’s notorious nuclear architect: On Dec. 10, 1984, I informed Gen. Zia-ul-Haq that we...