Category: DevTools

Random DevTools Entry: #006

While browsing the Dojo Toolkit site today, I noticed their bug tracker. Hey now, this looks sharp! Turns out it’s this product called Trac by Edgewall Software.  Best of all, it’s open source!  Looks good.  I’ll have to see if...

Random DevTools Entry: #005

Random DevTools Entry: #005

I’m feeling a mighty JavaScript kick lately. What’s interesting is that the more C# evolves, the more it starts to resemble JavaScript.  What with anonymous methods, type inference (it even uses var), and the LINQ syntax, my JavaScript juices are...

Random DevTools Entry: #004

Random DevTools Entry: #004

I’ve been doing some WinForms work lately (I’m primarily a WebForms developer) and had a lot of trouble working with the WinForms DataGrid.  Primarily, the DG just seemed very difficult to customize in terms of behavior and look & feel. ...

Random DevTools Entry: #003

Random DevTools Entry: #003

DHTML Edition. Came across an awesome listing of DHTML resources today via Just a short snippet: 3 Column Holy Grail.  For good reason, clean, search engine optimized CSS layouts have been hot in the web design space for quite...

Random DevTools Entry: #002

Random DevTools Entry: #002

Just one entry for today. I was looking around for a free XPath expression tester online.  Surprisingly, it took me at least 20 minutes to find a free one.  Altova XMLSpy Home Edition, while free, does not include an XPath...

Random DevTools Entry: #001

Random DevTools Entry: #001

From time to time, as I’m working on projects, I invariably come across great sets of tools that make my life just a bit easier.  My plan is to list the tools, test them out, and rate them somehow after...