Category: DevLife

Moving to WordPress and WebFaction

Moving to WordPress and WebFaction

For some time, I’ve had hosting with WebFaction for some personal python+django projects I was (well, am still…) working on while my main blog was hosted with ServerIntellect (a great hosting company, by the way). While WebFaction breaks one of...

The Math of Mediocrity

The Math of Mediocrity

Professionally, almost nothing aggravates me more than the Math of Mediocrity.  The only thing worse than observing failure based on the Math of Mediocrity is having to actively participate in it. Steve Jobs’ Parable of the Concept Car is a...

Philly .NET Code Camp and Windows Azure

Philly .NET Code Camp and Windows Azure

I spent half a day at the Philly .NET Code Camp and ended up attending only two sessions (weather was too nice outside to be sitting inside on a Saturday :-D).  By chance, I saw Alvin Ashcraft’s name on the...



A friend passed along a quote the other day: So I just picked up this book today….and found this quote in the forward: “The truth of the matter is, if you need to “save” your job, I can’t help you....

Why Do You Play?

Why Do You Play?

One of my favorite all time sports quotes: You PLAY to win the game. — Herm Edwards It’s so simple and so obvious, and yet, so easy to lose sight of.  Herm is right, but it doesn’t just apply to...

5 Cooks

5 Cooks

I recently finished up Eric Brechner’s I.M. Wright’s Hard Code. One of the more interesting aspects of development and project management that he brings up is the concept of working depth first as opposed to breadth first.  Too often, I...

Lessons From The Mythical Man Month

Lessons From The Mythical Man Month

Fred Brooks’ The Mythical Man Month is one of my favorite software engineering books.  I first read it in my senior software engineering class at Rutgers.  From time to time in my daily routine of software implementaion, I flash back...



Caught this little gem in the comments section of a Slashdot posting: Windows Made Me This Way How Software Companies Die Windows Sources, March 1995, p. 208 By: Orson Scott Card You can domesticate programmers the way beekeepers tame bees....