Category: Dev

Software, Artistry, and Frustration

Software, Artistry, and Frustration

In describing my approach to software development, I like to use the term practical artistry.  What does this mean exactly? Well, the practical part of it is that the class libraries, interfaces, and components have to work the way that...

WCF Configuration Intellisense

WCF Configuration Intellisense

Hmm…I thought it was kind of odd that Visual Studio didn’t support intellisense for WCF configuration elements (but then again, I’ve kind of become intimately familiar with the core elements without having the schema). Turns out that you have to...

Software Engineering 101….ARGH!

Software Engineering 101….ARGH!

Some days, I just can’t handle the aggrevation… I thought it was generally known that binary build output does not belong in source control, so I was quite dismayed when I grabbed an update to our source tree today and...

NHibernate Or Bust!

NHibernate Or Bust!

So my interest in NHibernate is picking back up again.  The 1.2 beta release that’s circulating now (the candidate release has been out since February of this year) addresses various issues with NHibernate in my previous time with it. Specifically,...

Revisiting Spring.Net

Revisiting Spring.Net

Spring.Net is an application framework which has its roots in the Spring Framework for Java. Now first of all, I know many developers have an averse reaction to the use of the phrase “application framework” and immediately reject such things...

My Thoughts on WF

My Thoughts on WF

As I commented in a post on Paul Andrew’s blog regarding what WF is and what it is not: As I’ve been working with WF these last few weeks, I’ve come to form another view of WF and what it...

Adding Users To A Document Workspace

Adding Users To A Document Workspace

In WSS3, the process of adding users to a document workspace (or any sub-web) has changed from WSS2. The following snippet will allow you to add a user (I’ve only tested with users mapped to domain accounts) to the workspace:...

On Software “Architects”

On Software “Architects”

I’ve always had a disdain for the term “architect” in the context of software development. Possibly due to my not-so-fond experience with an “architect” during my days at Factiva. I popped open Fred Brooks’ The Mythical Man Month last night...

ContentTypeIds In WSS3

ContentTypeIds In WSS3

In WSS3, if you execute the following SQL:

You will notice that the content types are represented in the output as hex. If you take a look at the table definition, you’ll see that the actual data type of...

A Note On Copying Files In WSS3

A Note On Copying Files In WSS3

I dunno if this was supported in WSS2 or not, but in WSS3, when a file is copied to a new destination, a link is stored which indicates where the new document is copied from. In the database, you can...