The Little Things that Count

Maybe it’s just me, but there are some little things that bug me to no end
(my wife thinks I’m slightly OCD).

Lately, it’s bad spelling and grammar.

I don’t know, I simply don’t think it’s acceptable in an age when a proper
spell check is only a button click away, why people have to put up with
misspelled words in professional documents and email exchanges.

It bothers me so much that once I see an email or document that has terrible
grammar, misspelling, or punctuation, I am no longer able to mentally process
the document as my mind shifts to pondering what could be so pressing that the
person that composed this document before me couldn’t hit the spell check
button.  Most likely, the author simply
doesn’t care?  Such documents simply give
the impression of a rushed reply with no concern for professionalism,
craftsmanship, or interest.

Of course, grammar is probably the hardest aspect of written English, so I
tend to not mind grammar errors as much unless they are obvious ones (use of “a”
versus “an”, for example).

What’s worse is that I get emails like this all the time from recruiters regarding positions.  Not only from those who speak English as a
second language (I can give some slack there as my mom has terrible spoken and
written English), but it’s even common from native English speakers.

I don’t understand; in such a scenario, wouldn’t you want to be more
professional in mannerisms and communications to assure the possible candidate
of the professionalism of your organization? 
I know I would.

As a side note, I’m thoroughly impressed by the written English of many Europeans who do not speak English as a first language, like SNE 🙂

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1 Response

  1. Okay, some explanation here. I grew up in a household where Dutch, French and English were spoken. Learning all three was a basic requirement to follow and join a dinner conversation.

    French is my weakest of those three languages, as it is the language I use the least (mainly in direct conversation with my mother, which is almost exclusively of an oral nature), but I encounter and use my English on a daily basis. Not only on the net, but in my writing and reading as well, as I find the language looks and sounds nicer than Dutch.

    I mean, Dutch sounds like a throat disease…