Daily Archive: September 28, 2005

Workshop : Configurable DTS Packages

Workshop : Configurable DTS Packages

I finished my first “workshop” article! Had a bit of free time and decided to finish it as it’s something that I’ve been meaning to do for quite a while now. As an aside, the “workshop” series of articles are...

OMG Live Giant Squid Photographed!

OMG Live Giant Squid Photographed!

Came across this article via Ars. If you didn’t know, I’m a huge fan of the cepholopod class of animals.  The giant squid is one of those rare beasts that we know exists via dead specimens that we’ve found, but...

What’s Wrong with Insourcing?

What’s Wrong with Insourcing?

As I was browsing through the forums at Arstechnica, I came across a post titled “Alternatives to outsourcing?“. Being an IT consultant, this immediately caught my attention. I read in Time, a while back, that a few companies were experimenting...

The Perfectionist Plague

The Perfectionist Plague

There has to be other people out there like me. I have issues.  Many issues.  We all do.  Perhaps the one that gets to me the most is that I’m a perfectionist when it comes to certain things, like designing...