Category: News

Keep An Eye On This…

Keep An Eye On This…

My knowledge of physics isn’t that great (most of it has been purged since completing my college physics courses :-D), but one thing that I do know is that perpetual motion, according to Newtonian physics, is thought to be impossible in...

Bill Gates on Farming

Bill Gates on Farming

Nothing against the OLPC project, but I like Bill’s idea a little bit better. Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates announced a new direction Friday as he pledged $306 million in grants to develop farming in poor countries and leading the charge...

Three Ron Paul Videos That You HAVE To See.

Three Ron Paul Videos That You HAVE To See.

I like how Paul sticks by his principles and doesn’t take the bait. Excellent response. Wow…the “joke” by McCain in that last video just came of as completely ignorant. Once again, Paul lays the smack down on the rest of...

Science: It Works, Bitches!

Science: It Works, Bitches!

On a recent late spring trip, my wife and I visited Hyannis, Massachusetts.  During some free time, we had a chance to walk down to the beach and take a stroll.  We were greeted at the beach by a thick mist and...

Another Call for the Death of DRM

Another Call for the Death of DRM

This time, coming from a Yahoo! exec (with a spine), Ian Rodgers. If the licensing labels offer their content to Yahoo! put more barriers in front of the users, I’m not interested.  I won’t let Yahoo! invest any more money...

The Slow Death of DRM

The Slow Death of DRM

I’ve been in a somewhat heated debate with my once CEO and now VP regarding the effectiveness (or rather, the ineffectiveness) of DRM and how the media companies are really just screwing themselves (whilst also screwing customers) by not adapting...

I Don’t Like To Get Political, But…

I Don’t Like To Get Political, But…

A Republican leader with some balls, some heart, and most importantly, lots of humanity. Well said, sir, well said: Mayor Sanders: “With me this afternoon is my wife, Rana. “I am here this afternoon to announce that I will sign the...

Commentary On Current Market Woes

Commentary On Current Market Woes

This is probably the most sensible an informative bit of commentary on the current market conditions (DOW -387): I love how 90% of farkers don’t understand exactly what the crisis is right now. It’s not the fact that the housing...

Two Terrible Rulings

Two Terrible Rulings

Opening up the newspaper this morning, I came across two terrible rulings recently passed down by the Supreme Court. The first has to do with MSRP.  I’m guessing that the majority of American’s who are not filthy rich often go...