Category: Dev

To Follow Up…

To Follow Up…

So it turns out that Paul Andrew, the technical product manager of WF linked to my very abstract review of Essential Windows Workflow Foundation.  For those that haven’t been following, I wrote an awesome review of the book on Amazon and...

EditPlus Rocks!

EditPlus Rocks!

Not that EditPlus didn’t rock before, but it’s rockin’ even harder now with the release of version 2.3! Two of the biggest features are the addition of indentation based collapsable code regions (I’ve already got collapse/expand hotkeyed!) and “Copy as...

Down on ASP.Net

Down on ASP.Net

First, some random stuff.  I got a free t-shirt from Newegg yesterday and I didn’t even have to buy anything!  It turns out that scammers have been using Newegg’s domain in phishing attacks.  As I was reading through this, I...

An Early Look At JavaScript 2

An Early Look At JavaScript 2

There’s a slide deck over at the Mozilla deverloper site that covers some of the changes/additions/bugfixes to be found in JavaScript 2.  It’s interesting and worth taking a look. With IE7 just out the door, I wonder if JS2 will...

IE 7 Scare…

IE 7 Scare…

Man, IE7 gave me a good scare this morning.  You see, I just put together a new development machine, and, without thinking, replaced IE6 as soon as my Windows updates were done. So imagine my surprise when I pulled up...

PacMan….for Excel

PacMan….for Excel

There’s something kinda cool about creating games on platforms that weren’t meant for game creation; it presents a whole set of programmatic challenges that leads one to come up with creative solutions to otherwise simple scenarios in typical gaming SDKs....

Workflow and SharePoint

Workflow and SharePoint

Good stuff.  Good freaking stuff. If you haven’t done so already, there’s an excellent high level white paper by David Chappell that you should download (if you work with such things like Office and SharePoint) which provides important information so...

Grow Up…

Grow Up…

Warning: strong language ahead… So I’m attending this webcast on Microsoft Project Server 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh and I can’t believe the stupid motherfuckers on the call who: Can’t mute their god-damned phones. Can’t leave the screen alone so...

The Woes of Beta Software

The Woes of Beta Software

There’s always a “cool-factor” invovled with working with beta software and trying the latest products out before anyone else.  It’s definitely quite exciting to see some of the new features of Office 2007 in action and actually dig into Project...

Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air

An interesting side effect of releasing XNA Express is that there seems to be an uptick of interest in C# and the .Net platforn in general.  A 4 page thread sprang up last night on NewGAF and the community is...