Category: Awesome

The ESAM 5600 Arrives!

Ever since my trip out to Switzerland, I’ve been jonesing for an espresso machine.  After a lot of research, checking out lots of youtube videos, almost pulling the trigger various times, I ended up purchasing the DeLonghi ESAM5600 SL from...

The Pineapple Finally Fruits!

It’s finally happened!  My pineapple is finally flowering WOOOOOOOOOOO! 😀 I can’t even believe it.  I didn’t even notice it until I randomly looked over and took note that I probably need to water it. I started this plant some...

Home Office 2011 Edition

Finally got around the cleaning up my office (after 4 years…) .  Love the way it turned out and much more work space with much less clutter. For reference, this is what it looked like previously.

Now I REALLY Can’t be Bothered to Learn Silverlight

Now I REALLY Can’t be Bothered to Learn Silverlight

I’ve blogged about it before, but seriously, the question has to be asked: if you’re a developer with limited bandwidth to focus on mastering new technologies, why would you spend that time on Silverlight? Not only is WP7 floundering, but...

The Most Awesome Thing You’ll Read Today

The Most Awesome Thing You’ll Read Today

Nicholas Schmidle’s article in the New Yorker detailing Operation Neptune’s Spear (AKA the raid that killed Bin Laden): The Americans hurried toward the bedroom door. The first SEAL pushed it open. Two of bin Laden’s wives had placed themselves in...

Chaining jQuery AJAX Calls (w/o Plugins)

Chaining jQuery AJAX Calls (w/o Plugins)

Here’s the scenario: you need to make a series of AJAX calls to process a list of objects and each call is dependent on the results from the previous call.  How can we structure this elegantly in jQuery without having...

WCF Data Services Cheat Sheet

WCF Data Services Cheat Sheet

I was working with some SharePoint REST queries and couldn’t find a good list of the operations supported by the REST API.  Namely, I was trying to figure out if it supported a “contains” operation (it does using indexof). I...

Web Based Chat for SharePoint – ChatPoint

Creative name, right 🙂 In any case, Thinktastic released ChatPoint yesterday. It brings integrated, web-based chat to SharePoint 2010 (and actually would probably work fine in 2007 as well with some slight modifications). Check it out and hit the contact...