Author: Charles Chen



There are few technologies that I truly hate and InfoPath is right up there.  The problem isn’t necessarily InfoPath itself (okay, yes, I do hate it and it sucks hard), but the misconceptions from many former and current customers and...

Office Lighting and Decision Making

Office Lighting and Decision Making

The results of an interesting study flashed across my news feed yesterday: Another finding was that the perception of heat could affect the participants’ emotions. The research team said that this is because emotions are more intense under bright light;...

Leadership and Innovation

Leadership and Innovation

From Peopleware, 3rd Edition: The propensity to lead without being given the authority to do so is what, in organizations, distinguishes people that can innovate and break free of the constraints that limit their competitors.  Innovation is all about leadership,...

How to Rock That Interview

How to Rock That Interview

My sister-in-law pinged me for some tips to prepare for a long, multi-session interview coming up. I’ve been on both ends as interviewer and interviewee (mostly interviewer) and I seem to have been pretty successful as far as interviews go,...

Stateless vs. Appccelerate.StateMachine

I’ve been investigating workflow engines lately (specifically, state machine libraries) and it’s come down to Stateless vs. Appcelerate.StateMachine. First, a digression on why I’m avoiding Windows Workflow Foundation (WF).  It’s true that there’s tons of documentation, support from Microsoft, perhaps...

Why I Wear the Same Pair of Jeans Every Day

Why I Wear the Same Pair of Jeans Every Day

From NPR Marketplace Morning Report, a fun look at tech fashion and what it says about the wearer: Silicon Valley, of course, is known for its casual dress, which means t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. But don’t be fooled, techies care...