Monthly Archive: August 2006

3, 4, 5, 9, 10

3, 4, 5, 9, 10

Via Fark, I came across a short article by Gregory P. Smith titled “Top 10 Reasons Why People Quit Their Jobs“. The interesting bit is the conclusion drawn by Smith: Interesting, isnโ€™t it โ€” that all ten factors begin with...

Taking a Stand for Mother Nature

Taking a Stand for Mother Nature

Despite all those Discovery channel shows, sharks are still one of the most misunderstood animals in the oceans.  They are magnificent creatures who’s ferocity, for the most part, is exaggerated due to the media frenzy that occurs with each shark...

Missed Opportunities

Missed Opportunities

I came across an article on Tomshardware this morning regarding Jeff Taylor, the founder of, who is now starting a social networking site/portal for seniors. … <that’s me sitting here contemplating> Yeah, sounds familiar to me alright.  Back in...

10 Windows Password Myths

10 Windows Password Myths

I came across an article on some common myths with regards to Windows passwords (via Fark). The short of it is to keep the password easy to remeber, make it at least 15 characters, and don’t forget that you can...

USA Men’s Basketball Schedule Is Out!

USA Men’s Basketball Schedule Is Out!

Man, I don’t about anyone else, but I personally cannot wait for these guys to open a can of whup-ass ๐Ÿ˜€ Graaaaaawr (I really mean that)!! The schedule can be found on the Team USA subsection of I’m really...